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jbp竞博-宏旭定制 公路界碑模具 公路界桩模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 公路界碑模具 公路界桩模具 宏旭定制 公路界碑模具 公路界桩模具

The application of road boundary pillar mold is based ojbp����n the current demand for plastic mold in highway industry, because the production of highway prefabricated block is inseparable from the support of mold. There is a lot of difference in price between the mold with good quality and the mold with poor quality, and the use frequency is different. The mold of road boundary pillar belongs to the plastic mold used in specific field. The application of the mold can fill in the phenomenon of lack of mold in highway construction. Moreover, the use times of each road boundary pillar mold can reach 100 times, so the cost of converting into each highway boundary block is very small. In the process of matching with 100 meter pile plastic mold and milestone plastic mold, highway plastic mold is a kind of large amount.


 做打针模具供给单面网格注塑垫板模具温馨提醒:急报价做注塑模具咨询热线:188****9316 陈总QQ:422569987叉车塑胶站板模具叉车注塑站板模具叉...



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