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jbp竞博-宏旭定制 阶梯式护坡砖模具 生态阶梯式护坡砖模具【价格,厂家,求购,使用说明】

宏旭定制 阶梯式护坡砖模具 生态阶梯式护坡砖模具 宏旭定制 阶梯式护坡砖模具 生态阶梯式护坡砖模具

宏旭定制   阶梯式护坡砖模具   生态阶梯式护坡砖模具

阶梯式护坡砖模具   生态阶梯式护坡砖模具

The concrete model of ecological step type slope protection brick mold generally has standard size, but several sizes have been added for selection. So, what are the functions and characteristics of the ecological ladder type slope protection brick mold

One. The main function of the mould is to produce stepped slope protection frame. Only under the support of the mold, the required prefabricated slope protection block can be produced, with beautiful appearance and guaranteed quality. In addition to the stepped slope protection frame, the slope protection frame is also laid, but the former is used more frequently, while the latter is used more in some river slope protection projects.

2。 The main characteristics of the mold are large, standard, stone pattern and other parts, and the common or most are hexagonal slope protection bricks or ecological lock blocks. However, the slope protection prefabricated block breaks the principle of using small prefabricated block plastic mold in the past, and adopts large structure, which saves installation time and cost. More and more slope protection projects choose this kind of large-scale prefabricatiojbp����n.


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