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宏旭-水泥立柱塑料模具-预制立柱塑料模具 宏旭-水泥立柱塑料模具-预制立柱塑料模具


Plastic mold for prefabricated column, concrete column mold, prefabricated column mold, plastic mold for column, cement column mold, precast concrete square plate mold, round well cover mold and other plastic mold and steel mold. The use of column mold is to meet the needs of protection and safety. Generally, railway engineering and highway engineering are mainly used in prefabricated column plastic mold or column steel mold. Thejbp���� protective column used in railway is to ensure the normal operation of the train, with fixed specification standard; the column used in highway is generally warning based, and the common specification is not Often. The production of prefabricated column plastic mold is inseparable from the control of technology, and the production of column plastic mold needs the support of injection molding machine. In the process of producing concrete column mold, it is necessary to make material selection and judgment according to specific specifications and styles. Column mold | the professional production level of concrete column mold is low, the quality and performance stability of steel is poor, and the appearance quality is poor, so the steel mold industry in China needs to be improved as soon as possible. At present, the mold to enter the high-end market is inseparable from high-tech. With the continuous development of die and mold industry, the variety, output, comprehensive design level, product complexity and precision, mold tooling equipment, working environment, processing and testing means have been greatly improved.


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